The United States of America vs. COVID-19 aka Coronavirus

Last Updated: March 30, 2020
It Is Time to Unite
Celebration Discovery Church stands for unity. It is the reason we created this church. Our tag line is: Celebrate. Discover. Unite. It is something we feel very strongly about.
We’re in a War
Today (March 30, 2020), Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York called for the nation to unite, and he agreed with President Trump’s assertion that the US is in a war with the COVID-19 Coronavirus.
Here is a snippet of the press briefing:
The above video is brief (1:33), but says a great deal. Here is the transcript:
“No politics. No partisanship. No division. There is no time for that, not in this state, not in this nation. This is a deadly serious situation, and frankly, it’s more important than politics. It’s more important than partisanship. And if there is division at this time, the virus will defeat us. If there was ever a moment for unity, this, my friends, is the moment.
Anyone who says this is a New York City, only, situation, is in a state of denial. You see this virus move across the state, you see the virus move across this nation. There is no American who is immune to this virus. I don’t care if you live in Kansas, I don’t care if you live in Texas, there is no American that is immune. What is happening to New York is not an anomaly. There is nothing about a New Yorker’s immune system that is any different than any other American’s immune system. Part of what we’re doing here is not only serving New Yorker’s, but we believe we’re dealing with this pandemic at a level, intensity and density that no one has seen before, and hopefully we’ll learn lessons here that we can then share with people across this nation.”
Later in the briefing, Governor Cuomo went on to say,
“’The president said: This is a war.’ I agree with that. This is a war. Then let’s act that way. And let’s act that way now, and let’s show a commonality and a mutuality and a unity that this country hasn’t seen in decades, because the Lord knows we need it, today more than ever before… There is no red and blue; it’s red, white and blue.”
COVID-19 Has Killed More People Than 9/11
As a result of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, 2,977 Americans were killed. As of today, COVID-19 has claimed 3,146 lives and many more will follow. It is high time we declare war on this insidious virus. Together, we will defeat this monster.

Come Together Right Now.
Let’s all take this message to heart. I don’t care what age, race, or religion you are or what your political affiliation is. If you disagree with any of the above, how can you call yourself an American?
We are, one nation, the United States of America,
Celebration Discovery Church
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